Monday, August 29, 2005

Dr. Oyibo's GAGUT Theorem: Truth or a Classical 419.

I was excited when I heard about Dr.Oyibo's discovery. I have also seen the analysis of GAGUT theorem by Prof. Animalu, although it’s beyond my league.

The major emphasis on Dr. Oyibo’s website was Nobel Prize for Physics. The claim that the West is not recognizing his feat is not right I think. Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian, a black man born and bred in Nigeria, he got the Nobel Prize for Literature, Wangari Maathai got a Nobel Prize for Peace. All these people are Africans. I think and I know if Dr. Oyibo’s deserve one he will get it.

And for God’s sake does Nobel Prize for Physics guarantee the genuineness of the GAGUT theorem. Did Newton get one during His lifetime.

Dr. Oyibo’s website did not even have a brief on his background, all that was there was that he was a PhD, which primary school, secondary school did he attend, what was his performance at school in those days. He ought to take some clues from Dr. Scott Williams and even Dr. Emeagwali's well designed website rather than a hurriedly hacked up website (a free domain for that matter).

That Nigerian senators unanimously endorsed Dr. Oyibo for an award is nothing but a replay of their old self. A one party dominated senate is nothing but a club of friends. They might also have been carried away with the feat simply because of Dr. Oyibo’s God based approach to the theorem. I know that’s what even makes the theorem popular among Nigerians and some religious leaders around the world.

Since some fellow scientist of Dr. Oyibo has challenged him to prove his theorem, I think he should be very grateful that the have at least giving him a fair chance to prove them wrong rather than telling them to prove whether it’s wrong or not. The Holy Bible even asked us to verify all claims so as to ascertain the truth.

Dr. Oyibo will forever be remembered in history if he can publicly prove to the whole world that his theorem is/are true. At least Newton did to the Church and the world in those days.

I hereby caution everyone not to condemn Dr. Oyibo’s theorem since Newton discovery about how the whole universe work radically alter some long held beliefs.

Since I was young I have always thought that the Big Bang must have been as a result of God’s command that God’s issued during the creation process. At least the Israelites that went to the mountain with Moses confirmed that God’s voice was like a thunder.

God is a phenomenon that no man can prove with a mathematical formula, we can only try.

Dr. Oyibo can only redeem Nigeria’s image in the scientific community by proving them wrong or right.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Hello world, straight from MS Word, hope it works.

Driving Without Steering (DWS).

If this story is anything to go by, come 2008 you too can be in Will Smith league, cruising at 60 mph while playing/watching your favourite soccer game using your windshield as a screen.

If all things goes as planned the 2008 edition of Opel Vectra will transport you to your destination with little or no assist from you courtesy of lasers and video camera ; wow, that will be lovely I know you will say.

How about doing 60 mph and getting this message “This car has perform an illegal overtaking and will be immobilized”; next thing you are brought to a screeching standstill, thanks to the highly effective ABS brake, right in front of a Mark truck doing 100 mph. I hope there will be a super-active VTOL system that will hopefully and gracefully deploy in 0.000000000001 nanosecond in place ; else you can only but imagine the outcome of that confidence in machine.

While I am hoping that the repeat of that I, robot scene will be as widespread as the use of “mobile phones in Nigeria” come 2008 and beyond; I can only but keep my fingers crossed.

While i can only but imagine which OS will power the car’s brain, first and foremost I know it’s going to be a Real Time OS (RT) (which eliminate Windows out of the equation), secondly I know viruses must/ will not be a threat since Intel has started work on a chip/computer that will instantly quarantine itself once it detect an anomaly . The only down side to this is that your car may not be available when you may need it most, please for Christ sake, don’t make this your first and only car. Anyway you can always become Will Smith; Just take control of your life.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Petrol Again!

And finally finally petrol now retails (officially) for N70 per litre across the nation (Nigeria).

Who are we to blame, Obasanjo, NNPC, Hugo Chavez, OPEC.

Since Obasanjo has vowed to privatize everything, alas this is one of the dividend of privaization, LOL.

Since we now buy fuel based on world market indices, we should now be able to stomach the resultant effect of what is probably going on in Venezuela, at least this should show us that the problem going on around the world is of utmost significance to us now.

For so long we have been able to take for granted the subsidy on fuel prices; now that Obasanjo is running a proper capitalism, we now see that nothing come for free.

I used to think that it’s bullshit for OBJ to be increasing fuel prices anyhow, but now I think they have a “genuine” reason. According to Minister of Information (Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mr. Frank Nweke Jnr.,) he said 19 new power stations are now in the pipeline;( e be like say Nigeria go get some Nuke reactor sef, courtesy of N Korea).
The current increase won’t kill us at least, it will only make us “stronger” we have been groaning under this administration and am sure this is not going to be the last straw!

Nigerians, world market now determine our local market this is a true reflection of globalization. OBJ need to educate Nigerians on global economy and world matters.

I hope OBJ and his cronies will stop deceiving us about some “phantom” palliatives and safety, oh sorry un-safety net.