Thursday, May 11, 2006

Nigeria: A nation without a future(plan)!

Whao, it's been a year since i started blogging.

Talking about issues, affecting one’s daily life is really a good way to let out the feelings one get for living in a frustrating environment like Nigeria.

An environment where daily life is fraught with(unemployment, unstable/irregular power supply, fuel, strikes, ethnicand communal clashes, bribery, corruption, government mismanagement of resources, poverty, 419ers, bad Internet credibility, hunger and lately

Nigeria’s version of ETA (MEND, MASSOB, OPC )) makes me cringe with fear about the future.

A nation where “They Don’t Really Care About Us”. Politicians fight and kill themselves over monies that would have been used to better the lots of pensioners who are on the verge of dying while going for their “pay-at-site” exercise.

A nation where everything goes, the police is your friend as long as you can grease their palms with Naira notes. A country where you see your fundamental human rights go down the drain as long as you can’t keep your mouth shut.

A nation where everyone live in fear because of the unknown assailant – fear of tomorrow.

A nation rated as the most religious nation yet the most corrupt nation. Church crusades are avenues of brainwashing the people for superlative and fantabulous miracles that are solely based on hopeless hopes. A nation where a pastor will tell you to drive a Hummer you have not work / saved for.

A nation where examination malpractices are the order of the day. A nation where the youths slave to get a sheet of paper – certificates (which “used” to be a passport to a hellish job).

A nation where the youth future has been mortgaged for themansions and SUVs of her political office holders.

A nation flowing with milk and honey with nothing to show for it.

A nation under siege.

A nation under perennial attacks from the forces within but un-known to those that render themselves blind in other not to see and speak the truth.

A nation full of ass-kissers; all in the name of sharing in the “National cake”.

A nation where religion is the dope of a hopeless people;

A nation where hopeful people hope for a hopeless nation;

A nation where people shove to cope with the hopelessness of her hopefuls;

A nation where hope for the future cannot cope with the hopelessness of today;

A nation where hope for a hopeless future has obliterates the grieves of today!

Side Note:
Thanks to all the visitors, thanks to Google /, thanks to all the great people that have contributed immensely to my life in one way or the other and above all thanks to God almighty.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Performancing for FireFox.

Testing Testing.


Great to know that a nice and cool addon for FireFox does a great job in making the life of bloggers that are non-IE user as stress free as possible.

Performancing for FireFox according to the developer " is a full featured blog editor that sits right within Firefox
  • Works with all major blog software
  • Easy WYSIWYG Editing
  • Trackback, Technorati and support

Once installed, just hit F8 or click the little pencil icon at the bottom right of your browser window to bring up the blog editor and easily post to your Wordpress, MovableType or Blogger blogs"

PFF is a nice and better response to "Blogger for Word" tool since has refused to give FireFox users the freedom to post from within a browser/application without using the web interface.

PFF is an Extension for FireFox, and it can be installed from here (you must be using FireFox 1.2 or better).